Zahara de la Sierra, Spain

Zahara de la Sierra, Spain

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Zahara de la Sierra Spain

Zahara de la Sierra is a municipality located in the province of Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain. It is located in the center of the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park. Knowing this we can deduce that Zahara de la Sierra will offer anyone who visits them above all stunning and lush landscapes. In this area you will find natural resources such as: the Green Gorge, the Bocaleones River, the arroyomolinos River beach, the Zahara Reservoir, the Scare Cave and the pinsapos garden in the urban center. But, as can be inferred, Zahara de la Sierra, in addition to nature, offers culture. Within the cultural landscape of Zahara are resources such as: Marquesado de Zahara, Puerta de la Villa Medieval de Zahara, Fortaleza de la Zahara ibérica, Castillo de Zahara de la Sierra, Early Church of Santa María de la Mesa, Church of Santa María de la Mesa, Chapel of San Juan de Letrán, Torre del Reloj, the Arciprestazgo de Zahara de la Sierra-Olvera and Guadalete.
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Jerez (XRY)
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